
Room 1

Hotel Los Olivos offers a wide range of services to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable

Reception 7/22

Check in can be done from 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Free Wifi

Free Wi-Fi internet access for your guests and the possibility of hiring premium Wi-Fi (€ 3 / day)

Free parking

You will have individual parking at the door of your room


You will have at your disposal a high quality cafeteria and restaurant service

Terrace and gardens

All rooms have their own terrace and the complex is surrounded by garden areas

Pet friendly

The hotel accepts pets paying a supplement and always on request

Summer pool and gardens

In addition to all these services, Hotel Los Olivos has an outdoor swimming pool in which guests can enjoy at no additional cost throughout the summer season.

Its opening is scheduled from June to September whenever weather conditions allow it.

Also throughout the year you can also enjoy the green areas that surround the complex.